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Latin 1

Assignments, Classwork details, projects etc.

scroll down or click for daily info


NEW Legentibus assignment posted! Read a chapter per day!
Due April 19th
De Natura Stellarum et Telluris


Tue Jan 9th

1. Meet with play partner  Bacchants Study Questions
2. Finish Gladiator

Homework: Finish paper
NO CLASS THURSDAY! work on your paper!!!
and Make sure you've completed this
QUIZ by Thur Jan 11th

Fri Jan 12th

Final Draft of Paper Due

Final Draft Due Jan. 12th

-No late papers

-turn in on a new Google Doc in the dropbox on Google Classroom. 


Grading Rubric found Here


Start working on LLPSI Ch. 7 Click for videos on GC

Student Doing Homework
Ancient statues

Tue Jan 16th

In Class: Meet with play partner to finalize Play presentation!


1. Kraken 5 sentences

2. LLPSI  Finish Ch. 7 and make sure you've watched the videos on Google Classroom!

3. Review Relative Pronouns

4. Relative Pronoun exercise

(see Google Classroom, due Jan 25th)

Thur Jan 18th


1. Kraken 5 sentences

2. LLPSI  Finish Ch. 7 and make sure you've watched the videos on Google Classroom!

In Class:

Review 2nd Declension neuter nouns


LLPSI Ch 8 Scaena I video is here. 

Start LLPSI ch 8 and worksheet #1

Homework:  Ch. 8 LLPSI Scaena I posted on GC

1. Be fully prepared to present play on Tuesday!

Work Desk
Outdoors Opera

Tue Jan 23rd


Libation Bearers 1st



Grading for Play presentations



Kraken 5 Story Translation

Review Relative Pronouns (memorization)

LLPSI Ch 8 worksheet 2

LLPSI scaena II posts on GC (It's scheduled so work on it until it shows up. Try your best to work it out first. 


1. Kraken 5 story

2. LLPSI Ch. 8 Worksheet 1 and 2

3. Relative Pronoun exercises on Google Classroom

In Class:

Review Kraken story and LLPSI Ch. 8 worksheet 1


1. Read Libation Bearers for Tuesdays Class!

2. LLPSI Ch 8 worksheet 3

Thur Jan 25th

Work Desk
Graveyard Crow

Tue Jan 30th

Due: LLPSI Worksheet #3

In Class: Discuss Latin problems 

1. Adjectives QUIZ will show up on Google Classroom. DUE TODAY!

Read Libation Bearers  use study questions

Classical Coffee House scene


1.  Read Kraken 6

2. Kraken 6 Grammar A and B

3. LLPSI Ch. 8 Worksheet 4

See handouts page for new packet "Tiered Adjectives Handout Lesson 1
Grab the rest of your worksheets for Ch. 8 LLPSI

February 2024

Thur Feb 1st

Due: Kraken 6 Grammar A and B

LLPSI Ch 8 worksheet 4

In Class:  See Google Classroom Post

I'll upload the Beginner translation sheet to your handouts page as well. 

Homework:  Kraken 6 sentences

LLPSI 8 worksheet 5

Tue Feb 6th

Due: Kraken 6 sentences

LLPSI Ch 8 worksheet 5

In Class: Play Auditions; Plutarch: Verb Tenses

Homework: Re work the Kraken 6 sentences using the breakdown and charting method. 

Thur Feb 8th

Due:   Kraken 6 sentences with english breakdown and chart. 

In Class: Watch Video for Kraken 6

Meet and work on Kraken 6 sentences: Breaking down the grammar!

Homework: Revisit Kraken 6 sentences. There is a Google Forms worksheet to complete based on 3-5. 


Tue Feb 13th

Due: Kraken 6 Google Worksheet (it might say quiz, but it's not)

In Class: Read Pyramus and Thisbe

Homework:  Kraken 6 story translation

the Kraken 6 sentences breakdown sheet I handed out in class!


Thur Feb 15th

Due: Kraken 6 story translation

In Class: Self-guided class! check in to let me know what you finished, what you didn't finish and what your plan is to get it finished, what do you need help with? 

Do you have any plans setup with anyone to get tutoring, do you need my help?

Focus on the details of grammar you are learning in Kraken right now. Know the vocabulary, points of grammar such as subject, ind obj, dir obj, prepositions, adjectives, verbs (pres. impft, fut)

Homework:  Study and be caught up on Kraken homework. 


Tue Feb 20th

Due: Kraken 6 sentences breakdown worksheet

In Class: Roman Graffiti

Homework: undecided until we get on common ground. 

Thur Feb 22nd


In Class: make sure you're up to date on assignments! meet with Tutor! Practice putting together smoother English Translations. 


Homework:Practice Play Lines

Tue Feb 27th

Due: All past homework not previously turned in or they turn to perm. zeros. 

In Class: Play practice


Thur Feb 29th


In Class:: No Virtual Class Instead Read Ancient Rome Illustrated History: P. 44 - 50 (book located on Google Classroom)

AND watch the video HERE

and Video 2 (this one is shorter) HERE





Spring Break  March 11th - 15th

Trip to Rome March 7th - March 14th

March 22nd Classical Coffee House

(all of my students are required to participate in the Oresteia Adapted mini-play and will receive a grade!)


Tue March 5th

Due: You will have watched the video about the Gracchi brothers and you will have read pages 44-50 in Ancient Rome Illustrated

In Class:  Work on Play : Intro to Plutarch and the Gracchi Brothers


Thur March 7th


In Class: Work on Play (self directed virtual studies) 


Tue March 12th

Spring Break

Work on the play

Thur March 14th

Spring Break

Work on the play

Tue March 19th


In Class: Final Play work in class together 


Thur March 21st


In Class: Finalize all things for the play

Homework: After classics night read P. 50 - 55 in the Ancient Rome Illustrated book located in google classroom.

Tue March 26th

Due: P. 50 - 55 in the Ancient Rome Illustrated book

In Class: Discuss The Gracchi brothers and Plutarch

Homework: Kraken Ch. 7.  A and B 

~Start new Legentibus assignment. Read Daily!

Thur March 28th

Due: Kraken ch. 7 A and B

In Class: No virtual class, finish Kraken exercises and work on your papers

Homework: Kraken 7 D

Pink Blossom


Our goal this month is to finish up Kraken Ch. 8 and take the Unit test. This is a big test so please take the time to study.

We will also move through LLPSI ch. 10

Remember, you have Legentibus readings to complete at your pace.

We will also discuss the Roman Historical scenario surrounding the Gracchi brothers, Marius and Sulla and move into the end of the Republic with Caesar, Cicero and Pompey. 


Tue April 2nd


In Class:




~Kraken ch. 7 D (sentences)

~Discuss: Adjectives across the board. 1st/2nd declension and 3rd declension for upper level students.

~Kraken Ch. 7 story

~Read LLPSI ch. 9 (be prepared for a quiz)


Thurs. April 4th


In Class:




~Kraken ch. 7 story and LLPSI Ch. 9 

~We will meet today and discuss Ch. 7 and LLPSI Ch. 9 BE PREPARED!

~Study Kraken Ch. 7 for the quiz

~Study LLPSI Ch. 9 and know it well. 

Tue April 9th


In Class:




All homework from Kraken Ch. 7 

Gaius Marius

~Kraken Ch 8 ALL (work on this to turn in by the following Tuesday. 

Thur. April 11th


In Class:



During the month of April please read Ancient Rome Illustrated pgs 56 - end of that chapter!

No Virtual Class!

{watch video about Sulla; It's long but do watch it: take some breaks so you can focus on it while it is playing!


Use this time to work on Kraken Ch. 8

Ask for help as needed!!!

Tutoring will be available with Maddie and Nathaniel!

The Unit test will be Tuesday April 16th and it's a very good sized test with 140 vocabulary words, declining 4 noun/adjective pairs, providing a synopsis of 6 different verbs, Translating 10 sentences from English to Latin and Translating a story from Latin into English.  This test contains 350 points! 

140 vocab

80 adj/nouns

36 verbs

50 sentences

44 story

Tues April 16th


In Class:  MOVIE



Exam  We are moving the Exam to April 23rd!

DUE: Kraken Ch. 8 ALL

covers Kraken Ch. 1 - 8

350 points.

140 vocabulary words

several sets of noun/adjectives pairs to decline

synopsis of several verbs

10 English to Latin sentences

1 Latin to English story

Thur April 18th


In Class:



Kraken CH. 8 (focus should be on this and studying for test)


~due tomorrow: Legentibus assignment completed~


Tue April 23rd


In Class:




~EXAM up to CH 8


Kraken Ch. 9 A and B

Thur April 25th


In Class:



Kraken Ch. 9 A and B



Kraken 9 Sentences

Tue april 30th


In Class:



Kraken Ch 9 Sentences

Movie Julius  Caesar



May 2nd: Prep to teach a sentence from Ch. 8
May 14th: Teach sentence
                   : Finish Movie
May 21st: Translate something in class

May 28th: Portfolio Presentations and Pizza Party

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